Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You've Got Mail

Do you know that we receive more mail in one day than our grandparents received in a month? These days, it seems as though the mail is an endless task.
The post office does a great job of delivering a pile of decisions to you everyday. On average, it takes ten minutes a day to sort through your mail and make those decisions. Should I keep this, can I throw away that? Do you have the time to ponder these questions for every piece of mail you carry in your home? Do yourself a favor and make helpful changes now.
Decide to toss the junk mail as fast as you can. Pretend those envelopes have been sitting in your oven all day, instead of your mailbox, ready to burn your fingers. Remember "stop, drop and roll". Use this lesson, 'stop' at the trash can or recycle bin, 'drop' the fliers, coupons and anything else that's junk, and 'roll' away with the important stuff. You should have much less in your hands to deal with.
Try this method with the mail that has piled up inside your home. Instead of ten minutes a day, try adding five more minutes to that time to make it fifteen minutes to help get through the backlog. Slowly your will see the pile decrease, until it is gone.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Loudoun County Household Hazardous Waste Schedule

Here is the 2010 schedule for Loudoun County Household Hazardous Waste Collection.

April 17 - Loudoun Valley High School, 3340 N. Maple Avenue, Purcellville
May 22 - River Bend Middle School, 46240 Algonkian Parkway, Sterling
June 26 - Stone Bridge High School, 43100 Hay Road, Ashburn
July 17 - Hertiage High School, 520 Evergreen Mill Road, Leesburg
September 11 - Harmony Intermediate School, 38174 West Colonial Highway, Hamilton
October 23 - Dominion Hogh School, 21326 Augusta Drive, Sterling
November 20 - Heritage High School, 520 Evergreen Mill Road, Leesburg

All events are from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm and are for Loudoun County residents only.
For more information contact the Department of Construction & Waste Management at 703-777-0187.

You can bring the following items to the collection events:
Ammonia, Art & Crafts Supplies, Batteries, Cleaches, Brake Fluid, Drain Cleaners, Engine & Radiator Fluches, Fertilizer, Fluorescent Bulbs,Floor & Deck Cleaners, Gasoline, Gas/Oil Mixes, Herbicides, Insect Sprays, Metal Polish, Moth Balls, Muriatic Acid, Oil-Based Paints, Oven Cleaner, Paint Thinner, Pesticides, Photo Chemicals, Pool Chemicals, Radiator Cleaners,Rechargeable Batteries, Rodent Killers, Rust Preservatives, Sealants, Solvents, Transmission Fluid, Wood Preservatives, Wood Strippers.

Do not bring:
Explosives, Gun Powder or Ammunition, Flares, Pesticides containing dioxin, Large Volumes of unknown materials, Motor Oil, Antifreeze, Lead-Acid or Car Batteries, Propane Tanks, Electronics and Business hazardous waste.