Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's About a Level of Order

The Other Side of Organized
Finding Balance Between Chaos and Perfection
by Linda Samuels, CPO-CD

I recently read the book The Other Side of Organized by Linda Samuels, CPO-CD ( I was totally sold on this book when I read the back cover, where Linda explains that organizing is “about finding a level of order that’s comfortable for you”.

Right on Linda! I have long believed that people are not born organized, but we are born with a certain level of comfort with order. Some people are comfortable in the chaos that clutter creates. They may be more creative and/or relaxed in this type of environment. Then there are some people who are more comfortable with less clutter and the order that being organized creates.

As life circumstances change, so might your ability to deal with your surroundings. That’s when working with a professional organizer can help get you back on track.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great review and for including The Other Side of Organized in your wonderful blog, Janet! Like you, I too work with many clients that are chronically disorganized. The idea of helping them find the right level of order and balance for them is the key. And you got that. So many times people feel badly about what they think things should be like instead of focusing on what is right for them.
